Are you thinking about an album or an event ;)? No. I meant our first accident. It was a crappy day all together. We got up early but with not so good feeling. We had our carnatic programme in the evening at the temple. I was all dressed up in a saree and was excited to be on stage after a long time. Ohh well! Priya, Prashant and I started our keerthana..." Palukey Bangaramayena ..."and bingo....we lost our of us has skipped a line and that instantly made me giggle, coz we were singing the wrong line. I know, I was an a**, but I couldn't stop myself. I am always famous for the wrong reasons. Anyway, so the three Gana Gandharva's regained our composure and finished the keerthana on a better note.
First of all, it was shameful that we forgot our lines, then I laughed at it on stage and then to see all this glory, we invited our close friends. Ohh did I mention, I lost Prashant's gold chain the same day too. Hell yes!
Now comes the best part. We borrowed our friend's car that weekend, to attend the practise sessions as well as the concert. On the way back, after already being cranky about the whole saga, we were exiting from the highway to a local road, to fuel our chariot. Least did we expect that, all the traffic has come to a halt around the corner. We were driving slowly at 20 mph, turning on the ramp and saw all the vehicles stopped. Although we slammed the brakes real hard, it was too late before the coupe parked itself under the gaint van. For a moment, Prashant and I were shocked and didn't know what to do. The driver of the van came out and started yelling at us, but soon, he pulled some money from his pockets and gave it to us and drove quickly out of the sight. The honking of the cars behind us made us realize that we have to move. Our car bonet was completely damaged and we didn't even note down the SUV's no. The other driver was drunk, so he did not care to make a complaint on us. I don't know if we were lucky, but the damages costed us more than what we thought and to our grief, the insurance had limited coverage on the car, so had to pay helluvalot of money. We reached home at 3 in the morning, after informing our friend, parking the car in a closed garage to see no one steals any parts from it and making calls to insurance company. It was Saturday, the 13th of Sept. I am not superstitious but still hate that day.
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on Sunday, September 14, 2008
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- Well! That's the way it is! :)
- ME..I am someone who would like to live on my own terms...I make rules and break them to learn from my own mistakes and decisions than listening to someone and blaming them...stubborn but caring...tough but fragile... Completely in Love with my Life for what it has given to me.....:) RIP ME OFF...TEAR ME APART...THOU SHALL RISE...