Cut! Copy! Paste!  

Posted by Well! That's the way it is! :)

When Microsoft programmed Cut, Copy and Paste, little did it expect that humans will get used to them so much that, it has become part of our living. We Copy Paste foreign food, life style, work, culture, emotions, dresses and accent. I am not debating the good or bad. I am simply saying this is what we do. When I see people copying art and say they got inspired???? it kills me. Losers!
Art, architecture, music, movies, you name it, you have it. People talk about piracy so much, but why not about Plagiarism. Though there is a copy rights act that bounds you morally and legally (?) from getting too much inspired by someone's work of art or research.
I have seen too many people doing this in architecture and music. I once confronted a friend of mine, who was directly copying projects from India and abroad into his website and boasting them as his own projects. I was surprised the confidence with which he was talking about those projects and empathized with people who were working with him including his clients. For telling him not to do, I got back offensive messages, showing his character. Though I didn't care about it much, I was awestruck by his foolishness and determination to copy projects.
Well! People! People! Such is the life of the parasites. 1 Zillion Peter Keating's will be born for every Howard Roark .

My first post  

Posted by Well! That's the way it is! :)

Writing a blog! Hmm! I was always fascinated by books and how words can convey so many things by juggling them in the right way. Writing to me is an outlet. I once up on a time wrote small poems and short stories in Telugu which is my mother tongue. Though my English is not the best, I will try to put together my feelings and thoughts through this medium in English.
I once used to write a diary too. After coming to this Land of Opportunities, my interests have either died or got burried in the fight to survive.
I me myself will keep penning down some of my thoughts from now on.