Can ever girl friends be replaced? I keep thinking about it all the time. Once you get a partner/boy friend or lover, I think girl friends suffer the most. Even if times have changed, girls always try to become part of their partner's family and friends. Although I personally did not have to go through that phase, where I had to make big changes to accommodate my married status, my best friends had moved miles away trying to start their new families. Yes I am writing this because I miss them terribly. Although there are few friends whom I left thousands of miles away in India, in quest of freedom it never occurred to me how they must have felt till recently. I was too busy being happy with my love. But, in the back of my mind, I was sure, I was missing something. In these close to 4 years, I have become close to my blood relations, my mom , my brother whom I never understood completely till the geographical distances made it evident that I love them alot and I miss them. As of now, my mom is my newly found Best Friend. Still, I can't say everything to her..I can't be sad with her..I can only share my happiness. She has enough grief in her life to deal with. Some how in between all of this, I realized I have moved away from my close friends unknowingly.
I think I am drifting away in my own thoughts and coming back to do reality check. Girl friends are irreplaceable. This is my salute to all great girl friends everywhere...mine, yours, anybody's ....
- Green (2)
- Life (3)
- My take on People and (3)
- School (1)
About Me

- Well! That's the way it is! :)
- ME..I am someone who would like to live on my own terms...I make rules and break them to learn from my own mistakes and decisions than listening to someone and blaming them...stubborn but caring...tough but fragile... Completely in Love with my Life for what it has given to me.....:) RIP ME OFF...TEAR ME APART...THOU SHALL RISE...