This is my second thesis. I did one in India for completion of my B.Arch degree. Oh boy!It was a night mare. Here I am after 4 years doing the same thing. Thesis!
I read this in
It is an interesting read on how small changes in out habits can make a whole lot of difference.
Read on and please do implement them. :)
Filed under
- Green (2)
- Life (3)
- My take on People and (3)
- School (1)
About Me

- Well! That's the way it is! :)
- ME..I am someone who would like to live on my own terms...I make rules and break them to learn from my own mistakes and decisions than listening to someone and blaming them...stubborn but caring...tough but fragile... Completely in Love with my Life for what it has given to me.....:) RIP ME OFF...TEAR ME APART...THOU SHALL RISE...